In the research stage of my media production I mainly used the internet to find out as much as possible about my chosen genre of horror. I also went to my target audience to see what sorts of things I should include in my trailer. I used websites such as YouTube, apple trailers, the film education webpage, Wikipedia, and Google.(Please enable the 'fullscreen' option to see the text and images):
In the planning stage of my media production I probably used the most limited amount of technologies; these consisted of Google images, Photo shop to test my ideas, I used a pencil and paper to draw my ideas and mock up my poster and front cover; I also used a Samsung digital camera to get shots of the location. I also used my target audience to double check the planning of the products.
(Please enable the 'fullscreen' option to see the text and images):
In the construction stage of my media production I probably used the most amount of technologies; these consisted of a Sony DV handy camcorder, Photo shop, an Apple Mac computer, final cut express, live, garageband, YouTube, feedback from my target audience, a digital camera, and finally Photoshop.
(Please enable the 'fullscreen' option to see the text and images):
In the construction stage of my media I used a Sony DV handy camcorder, due to the lack of equipment my school had to offer the video camera was not the best quality. However I didn’t have a camera of my own so I had no choice but to use one of the schools provided video cameras. Due to the fact that the Sony DV Handy cam camcorder was a tape camera rather than digital; I did have a few complications when trying to upload my video clips onto final cut express; however once I had learnt how to do this it wasn’t such a large problem.

For the construction area of the main task, Final cut express was definitely the most crucial programme I had to use, because without this I could hot have created the concise editing and professional effects that I incorporated within the trailer. Final cut express is a programme used in the real world to edit and cut existing trailers, and whole films.

In final cut express I was able to add clips, and very simply drag them over from the brower to the preview screen; there I would edit the length of the clips using the ‘in’ and ‘out’ button and to do this all I had to press was ‘I’ and ‘O’ to edit my clip precisely how I wanted it.

I then had to drag it onto the timeline and could easily move it around so it was exactly where I wanted it to be. What is very good within final cut express, is that the time line is not linear, so I could build the layers up if I needed to. I could move the ‘scrubber’ to certain places by double clicking on the timeline which made it quick and simple to find a certain clip or area I wanted to edit.
As final cut express have a highly flexible tab system, I could flick between any other project I wanted; this element was particuarly helpful as it meant I could get to the effects and back to my clips quickly.

Due to the fact that I could only film during the day time, I had the problem that the clips looked too warm, and did not fit the conventions of a horror trailer, therefore in final cut express it was made possible for me to colour correct all of my clips. Unlike some editing programmes final cut express offered a two-way colour corrector which was extremely helpful, when adjusting the sats, blacks and mids. Not only this when making the image less warm and more cold the two way colour correction was particularly helpful with a range of colours.

There were all sorts of effects that final cut abled me to use within my trailer, and it was shown where I had used them in the preview screen; here I could also edit when I wanted an effect or tranision to start and where I wanted it to end.
There were many tools I could use on final cut express to ensure that my clips came in after another at the right time, this was also very handy when beginnning to speed up my clips nearer the end of the trailer.

Another piece of techology that I found particuarly important was photoshop, I created both pieces of the ancillary tasks, the magazine front cover and poster using this programme. It was not only used for these but the flashing effects that I created within the trailer was also done using photoshop too (Please enable fullscreen mode to read the text):
Editing on Photoshop
Photshop was a programme I used to manipulate images to ensure they were just as I wanted them I used the spot healing tool, the healing tool and patch tool to do this. Again photoshop is a recognised programme used within the real world, when creating exisiting poster and magazine front covers. I am lucky enough to own photoshop so this allowed me to work on the ancillary tasks outside of school aswell. This allowed my poster and magazine front cover the best they could possibly be.
When editing my poster, and front cover I used a variety of different tools such as the burn tool, along with the dodge tool, to ensure that that the ancillary tasks were proffessional looking and could be seen in the real world. Luckily when creating our film magazine front cover we were able to switch the pictures easily and did not have to change any of the surrounding text.
Below there is a slideshow, showing how I changed the image:
The music that accompanied the trailer was required to be non copyright, so therefore I had to create this. I decided to use garageband to make the bulk of the music, as it was simple to use and had many copyright free tracks which I could fit together to create an appropriate tune to go with the trailer. I used the ‘loops’ option on garageband which has many copyright free tracks which I used. I layered up the tracks to create the main up beat music, and moved them around to fit the different parts of the trailer; i found an eerie track which I used for the ‘killers’ music, and referred to the timeline on final cut express and garageband to get it in the correct place. It was simple to add it onto my trailer, I just had to send it to iTunes as an mp3 file and import it onto my trailer.

Not only did I use garage band for the music, I also used soundtrack pro. I used sound track pro to create the heartbeat at the beginning and the static noises at the end, again this was simple to transfer onto final cut express, all I needed to do was save it and import it onto the programme.

The other piece of technology that I used was Livetype which helped me create moving texts in the trailer. When using this programme I was able to create animated text, to ensure the trailer looked and felt authentic. There were lots of different effects that I was able to put on the text; and after scrolling through them all I came to a final conclusion with the text I chose. Finally the programme allowed me to manipulate the font, tracking, height, angle, size, and colour of the text.

Finally in the evaluation stage of my media production I used a varied amount of media technologies; these consisted of YouTube, a flip camera, I used the internet website scribd; I used final cut express to show my audience feedback, and finally I used windows movie maker to display the recorded video for once of my evaluation questions.
(Please enable the 'fullscreen' option to see the text and images):